What to expect

Gathering together for a time of worshiping God is the highlight of the week at LaBelle Haven. If you are new to the area, traveling or looking for a church home we encourage you to be our guest. We’ve developed this section of our website to answer some questions you may have and to help you feel more comfortable as you come into our facilities.

Worship Style

Through our choir, orchestra, and preaching you’ll experience an amazing time of worship directed to God Himself. The music ministry of LaBelle Haven seeks to lead and facilitate a worshipful environment for those who are in attendance each week

What should I wear?

At LaBelle Haven we encourage you to come as you are. In case you are wondering, most people attend wearing business-casual attire. Don’t be surprised if you see very few suits and ties, as well as people wearing jeans. God sees our heart and that’s what He cares about; it’s not about the style of clothing we choose.

What about my kids?

Childcare is provided for Birth-4 years at LaBelle Haven on Sundays through our Preschool Ministry. This enables parents to attend both a worship service and Bible Study Class. We also provide age level Bible study for children in 1st through 6th grades. Well-trained teachers who are dedicated to helping children not only learn Bible truths but how they can apply those truths to their everyday lives lead classes. Click here for our childcare information

What if I want to join the church?

Once you believe LaBelle Haven Baptist church is where God would have you to attend, we encourage you to make the commitment to join our family. At the conclusion of one of our Worship Celebrations, simply go forward and tell one of the pastors of your decision to join LaBelle Haven.  You are welcome to join the church in one of three ways: baptism, letter, or statement of faith. If you choose to join by letter, we will ask the church in which you are currently a member to send a letter verifying membership. You may also join by statement of faith if you have accepted Christ as your personal Savior and have been Biblicaly baptized.  3rd is by profession on faith followed by baptism. We look forward to having you join us as we daily pursue the Kingdom of Christ!