Dear LaBelle Family,


I never dreamed I would ever have to write such a letter. However, because of the Coronavirus your church staff has developed a Pandemic Response Policy. This policy will now be part of our operating policies as we go forward. Click the link or the image above for the full document.


COVID-19 is a real pandemic. This means we are going to have to make difficult decisions at least for the next couple of weeks. At LaBelle Haven, your staff is committed to not simply imitating what everyone else is doing. We love our church family and will consider what is best for them. These decisions will be grounded in the Word of God.


At LaBelle Haven, it is evident we have a love for one another. I have watched you minister, care for, and fellowship with one another. I am convinced that you want to minister to each other now, in light of COVID-19. One aspect of our Pandemic Response Policy will be how we can minister to the most vulnerable and the sick in our fellowship. Ministry must always continue. Christ instructed us to “love others as we love ourselves,” Matthew 22:39.


We have carefully put a plan together in light of the Coronavirus. Our plans are not reactionary but have been carefully thought and prayed through. Our staff and lay leaders have met with our Medical Ministry Team and leaned on them to guide us in formulating our policy.


Now things are changing quickly. We will do our very best to keep you updated with COVID-19 details and how this will impact LaBelle Haven. I know you to be people of prayer. I am asking you to commit to pray daily for a swift end of COVID-19. Pray the results will be minimal. Our God is great; ask Him to do great things.


Finally, we encourage you to pay attention to two websites: Mississippi Department of Health, Center for Disease Control and Prevention. If viewing electronically you can access the websites by clicking on the above links. All of the information we share will be taken from these two websites.


In His Name,


Dean Stewart,


Senior Pastor, LaBelle Haven Baptist Church, Olive Branch, MS.

FAQ about Coronavirus

Bro. Dean sits down with Vickey Wright, an infectious disease nurse, to ask several common questions about the novel Coronavirus, and how to protect ourselves from infection.